Generate tailored teaching resources in seconds

Teachify leverages AI for instantaneous creation of highly accurate teaching resources, tailored to any topic and any student age group


Generations made


Hours saved



Pick a generator

Take your pick from our range of generators, covering both the essential and more advanced resources that teachers commonly need to create.

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Stick to the spec

Enter your topic, subject, qualification and exam board to make your content relevant to the UK curriculum.

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Edit and download

Use our handy text editor to make final tweaks and adjustments to your resource. Once happy, save the lesson for later or download.

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Tom - Physics tutor

Teachify saves me hours each week preparing my lessons and giving my students homework. It's meant I have been able to take on more students with significantly less effort per student. A game changer.

Vanessa - Chemistry tutor

The exam board adherent generations from Teachify are excellent. Rarely ever do I have to edit them or add more detail. It gives me peace of mind and means I can get more done throughout the week

Iqbal - Physics tutor

My job is done for me! I have found Teachify to be super useful in saving me time preparing lessons. It's also great at giving me new ideas for my sessions.

Meet the team

Our amazing team

Taysir Abdi

Ikum Kandola

Frank Crossley

Kin Wong

Contact Us



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